General Meeting
Cosmology Interest Group
Telescope Interest Group
Steering Committee
Technical Assistance
Astronomy Poems
Meeting Photos and Journals
Astronomy Sites
Group Logo
Welcome to the Lincoln Hills
Astronomy Group Website  
General Meeting
Come join us!!!  The  Lincoln Hills Astronomy  Group  provides residents, beginners to experts,
with a forum to increase their  knowledge of astronomy, their observational skills,
their enjoyment
in the field, and to meet people with like interests.  Activities to enrich this experience include
educational presentations, hands-on demonstrations of equipment and
tools, as well as observing
sessions and planetarium trips.  These activities cover a wide range of topics in astronomy,
with experienced members providing assistance to beginners.

General meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of the month
, at 6:45 PM, in the Kilaga Springs
Lodge Presentation Hall.  Meetings begin with an informal "What's New in Astronomy",  followed
by the main presentation, and end with an informal Q&A session.  We're sure you'll find some aspect
of astronomy, star gazing, telescope ownership, or cosmology that will grab your fancy.  For
information about meetings and
speakers, visit the General Meeting web page.

Cosmology Interest Group Meeting

Cosmology Interest Group meetings are on the 3rd Monday of the month, at 6:45 PM, in the
Orchard Creek
Fine Arts Room.  Meetings are in the form of a lecture or video series, focusing
some aspect of cosmology, followed by a spirited discussion. There is no need to be proficient in math
or physics formulas - we try to keep things as simple as possible so everyone can grasp the topic being
presented. This is a fun group with lots of very smart members to answer just about any questions you

may have about the cosmos. 
For information about meetings and speakers, visit the Cosmology
Interest Group web page

Telescope Interest Group Meeting

Telescope Interest Group meetings are monthly, usually at the Lincoln Hills Sports Pavilion
.  Meeting
times vary, depending on the setting time of the sun.  Meetings are "star parties", where members set up
their telescopes to
observe the night sky and special celestial events.  All Lincoln Hills residents and their
families are invited to join us for an enjoyable evening observing the night sky.
  If you have a telescope
you would like to share with the group or for which you would like assistance in learning how to use,
bring it along.  Our experts will be happy to lend a hand.  For star party times and locations,
visit the Telescope Interest Group web page

Visits:  Free Website Counter
Web Master:  Mike Reed